Office Address

1519 Nye Road
Suite 200
Lyons, NY 14489

Contact Info

315-946-5749 (phone)
315-946-5762 (fax) (email)

Hours of Operation

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:30pm
24/7 Emergency After Hours Phone:
315-946-9711    * ask for Public Health

Public Health Accreditation Board Seal

Child Safety Programs

Child Passenger Safety Program

The Child Passenger Safety Program provides education on how to properly install and use your child’s safety seat. This program is provided through limited grant funds from the New York State Governors Traffic Safety Committee, and in partnership with Safe Kids Worldwide. We can provide you with a free inspection of your current seat where we will check the seat for: recalls, if the seat has expired, is the seat appropriate for the child (within the height and weight limits of the seat), as well as the installation of your seat in the vehicle.

Our program also offers Car Seat Distribution Classes which can offer a seat if you do not already have one and cannot afford one*. The class offers a comprehensive look at all of the types of car seats, how to use them, and how to select the right seat for your child. **

*Free car seats require attendance to the class, and you must be a permanent Wayne County resident with a valid photo ID, and proof of current use of public assistance programs.

** Wayne County Public Health reserves the right to deny a free car seat to anyone at any time, using several factors of disqualification.

Car Seat Distribution Classes for 2025
  • January 8th from 10am-12pm
  • February 13th from 10am-12pm
  • March  19th from 1pm-3pm
  • April 15th from 1pm-3pm
  • May 21st from 10am-12pm
  • June 24th from 1pm-3pm
  • July 16th from 10am-12pm
  • August 13th from 10am-12pm
  • September 17th from 1pm-3pm
  • October 15th from 1pm-3pm
  • November 19th from 10am-12pm
  • December 16th from 1pm-3pm

Space is limited for each class, call 315-946-5749 or email to register. 

Bicycle and Wheeled Sport Safety

NYS Law requires all individuals between the ages of 1-14 to wear a certified helmet when bicycling, in-line skating, operating a non-motorized scooter or skateboard.

As part of Wayne County Health Department’s Helmet Distribution Program, we are able to give out free helmets to Wayne County residents who are in need. Supplies are limited and distributed on a first come first serve basis. 

Contact the program coordinator if you are interested in more information about this topic, such as educational materials, presentations, and resources.

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