Office Address

1519 Nye Road
Suite 200
Lyons, NY 14489

Contact Info

315-946-5749 (phone)
315-946-5762 (fax) (email)

Hours of Operation

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:30pm
24/7 Emergency After Hours Phone:
315-946-9711    * ask for Public Health

Public Health Accreditation Board Seal

Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program (CYSHCN)

Children and Youth With Special Healthcare Needs
(pronounced SHIN)

The Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs (CYSHCN) Program is for children birth to age 21 who have or are suspected of having a serious or chronic health condition that may require services beyond what is typically required. No diagnosis is required to access this program. CYSHCN staff can help with referrals and resources for services such as, but limited to: case management, medical provider, transportation, securing medical insurance, support groups, therapy providers, Early Intervention (EI) and Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) referrals, transition to adult services, and more.

Thumbs up children

If you would like more information or have a question, please call us at (315)946-5749 or email

To request services please fill out the CYSHCN Service Request Form and email it to

State Department of Health’s Children with Special Health Care site 

CYSHCN brochure 

CYSHCN Health Conditions

CYSHCN Condiciones de Salud 

Transition Resources for Young Adults: 

Additional resources for young adults with intellectual and or developmental disabilities can be found at

The Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program is coordinated by:

wheelchair with a heart above

Andrea Morgan

(315) 946-5749

Contact the program coordinator if you are interested in more information about this topic, such as educational materials and resources.

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