Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program
Wayne County Public Health (WCPH) plans for disasters such as disease outbreaks, natural disasters, man-made disasters and many more community hazards/ emergencies. Our department assists with these situations in a variety of ways such as providing health information, mitigation and hosting events (vaccine, testing, supply handout, etc.).
WCPH maintains and practices our response plans regularly to a variety of hazards and emergency situations that could affect our county. Our department is also a part of Finger Lakes Public Health Alliance (FLPHA), which allows public health workers from an unaffected county may provide mutual aid to another county in need of assistance.
The Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program is coordinated by:
Tiffany Williams
(315) 946-5749
Emergency Planning For Adults and Children with Special Needs
Millions of Americans have physical, medical, sensory or cognitive disabilities, which means that emergencies such as house fires, power outages and severe weather present additional
Preparing For An Emergency
WCPH encourages everyone to begin or continue a process of learning about potential threats so we are better prepared to react during an attack, natural
Emergency Planning For Pets
Have a Plan In Place for Your Pets Before a Disaster Strikes!!! A Guide for Disaster Planning for Pet Owners… Many people consider their pets
Public Education and Training
Trainings for community members and residents can also be conducted, using informational programs, games, and fun ways to plan ahead for disasters.
If you are interested in a training, please call 315-946-5749.