The Wayne County Community Partners Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Committee was started in September 2024. This committee has representation from County departments, local libraries, NYS agencies, non-profit organizations and more.
2025 Meeting Schedule:
- Monday March 17th
- Monday June 17th
- Monday December 15th
- Monday September 15th
All meetings are held via Zoom from 10am – 11:30am. If you are interested in joining this committee, email Tiffany Williams at
Mission: To bring valuable community partners together quarterly to have regular conversation and collaboration related to emergency preparedness in Wayne County.
Vision: To increase the communities ability to prevent, respond to and recover from Public Health emergencies, disasters and other critical situations.
- increase ability to meet Public Health Emergency Preparedness Deliverables and reaccreditation measures
- Conduct a community engagement activity to solicit public input
- Collaborate with other sectors to ensure access to care during service disruptions.
- build better community trust and relationships for our future preparedness needs (information sharing, volunteers, supplies, locations, etc.)
- help the community to understand the importance and prepare themselves to be self-sufficient for 72 hours