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Suite 200
Lyons, NY 14489

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315-946-5749 (phone)
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Public Health Accreditation Board Seal

Wayne Health Improvement Partnership (WHIP)

What is WHIP (Wayne Health Improvement Partnership)?

The Wayne Health Improvement Partnership is a partnership comprised of community organizations and county departments that have come together to develop a plan and a unified approach to improve the health of Wayne County residents.  Wayne County Public Health Department, in partnership with Newark-Wayne Community Hospital, has selected the following two priority areas and a disparity of low income for the 2022-2024 assessment and planning period:   Prevent Chronic Disease and Promote Well-Being and Prevent Mental and Substance Use Disorders.

Selection of the 2022-2024 Community Health Assessment (CHA), Community Service Plan (CSP) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) priority and disparity areas was a joint process with assistance from Pivital Public Health Partnership and Common Ground Health. A variety of partners were engaged throughout the process including the public health departments and hospital staff, Community Based Organizations (CBOs), school district representatives, local federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), Aging and Youth, and more.  Partners helped to  inform and select the 2022-2024 priority areas by sharing  pertinent data or concerns and through actively participating in planning meetings. From analysis of data, health priorities were selected and a joint plan, the Wayne County Community Health Improvement Plan was created.   Partner agencies work with Wayne County Public Health and Newark Wayne Hospital to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in the plan. 

Contact us if you are interested in more information about this topic, such as educational materials, presentations, and resources.

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